Using Swales' Moves to Write a Memorandum Style Proposal
Informal, within an organization or business. Be sure to complete all sections.

(The best proposals have a title the reader can easily remember.)

Introduction (Swale's Six Rhetorical Moves)

Move 1 . State the subject of the proposal.

Move 2. Identify the purpose of the proposal.

Move 3. State the main point that will be proven in the proposal.

Move 4. Stress the importance of the subject to the readers.

Move 5. Provide some background information on the subject.

Move 6. Forecast the organization of the proposal.


In this section tell the customer the main idea of the proposal.

Scope of Services
State exactly wha you intend to do. Sometimes the scope should include what you do NOT intend to do.

Benefits and Feasibility of the Project
Discuss the benefits or likely benefits to the recipient.

Method or Approach
Demonstrate how this project uses a sound method previously tested successfully
in other installations.

Qualifications and References
Like a mini-resume.

Dates and timelines for starting, finishing all work.

Conclusion (Swale's Five Moves)

Move 1 . Transition from the body of the proposal.

Move 2. State the costs of the plan.

Move 3. Highlight the benefits of the plan.

Move 4. Look to the future.

Move 5. Identify the next step.

If you are satisfied with your work click "Review the Completed Document" to see your finished proposal. If you wish to clear all the fields in this form click "Start Over."